sorry if im not that active like before ~~
i think i gonna make this blog like..
fanfiction or something. ;p n ya btw .. my grammar s bad. sorry bout it ><
Sunday, July 17, 2011
i wont regret it :)
hey boy,
i knew from start.. u only playing w/ me..
but i wont regret wat i said n did w/ you
as u know..
i already hurted u once. n u too. u hurted me like i did to u in past
i want us.. to be friend.. best friend like before .
i rly miss you :) i want us.. to chat together again n talkin like nothing happened.
please be happy .
Monday, June 6, 2011
im so glad to have you ..
im so glad that u gave me one more chance to hv u again.
i hope..
u re not just take a revenge from what i did to u last time.
n dont keep a secret from me please...
i ll never forget every moment that i did with you.
i want us.. to believing each other.
i love you... 4-5-2011 :) <3
i hope..
u re not just take a revenge from what i did to u last time.
n dont keep a secret from me please...
i ll never forget every moment that i did with you.
i want us.. to believing each other.
i love you... 4-5-2011 :) <3
Friday, May 6, 2011
u and me are belong together
im sorry about what i did to you in past
i regret it
i know i'm bad .
but i want to say .
thank you. bcos u gave me 1 more chance to get u.
i rly glad i can hv u now.
i know im so selfish bout you..
thats only because of i rly love you..i won't never let u go again :)
i regret it
i know i'm bad .
but i want to say .
thank you. bcos u gave me 1 more chance to get u.
i rly glad i can hv u now.
i know im so selfish bout you..
thats only because of i rly love you..i won't never let u go again :)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do ( FILM )
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do (Hangul: 도레미파솔라시도) is a 2008 South Korean film based on the internet novel of the same title by Guiyeoni. Directed by Kang Geon-hyang (assistant director of Romance of Their Own) and produced by New Crayon Entertainment.
Based on the internet novel of the same title and written by Guiyeoni, Do Re Mi Fa So La Si Dois a touching love story with bittersweet elements.
Jung-won wears a funny dragon suit, while working at the amusement park, and pours soda on Eun-gyu, because of his taunts. A short while later, Jung-won finds out that Eun-gyu has moved into the house next to hers. Eun-gyu now threatens to tell Jung-won’s parents that she works part time at a local mart. To keep Eun-gyu quiet, Jung-won agrees to carry his guitar for a week.
Jung-won then starts to develop feelings for Eun-gyu, who is the lead singer of a band called Do Re Mi Fa So La Si Do. Eun-gyu also starts to develop similar feelings for Jung-won. The two soon become a couple.
With an odd twist of fate, Jung-won went to the band's rehearsal room and meets a familiar person from her past, a boy named Hee-won. Their relationship makes everything more complicated. For 10 years , Jung-won and Hee-won were close friends, but because Jung-won did something that broke Hee-won's family apart they stopped talking to each other completely. And Hee-won, seeking revenge at Jun-won, allow his "friends" to beat her rendering her crippled. Jung-won is now surprised to learn that her ex-close friend is now best friends with her boyfriend.
Hee-won admits that he still likes his best friend despite what she did and he wants her back. Jun-won accepts him back into her life despite what he did and when Hee-won makes her choose between him and Eun-gyu, Jun-won makes the choice of going with Hee-won. Which leaves Eun-gyu devastated, he gives her one last chance to come back to him or else he will never be able to sing again but she breaks his heart once more and chooses Hee-won after he begged her.
A few months after it happened Jun-won hears that Eun-gyu had gotten into an accident and was diagnosed with temporary amnesia, he forgets all about her. She then spends all her time trying to get him to remember. The last scene is an re-enactment of the bands last show in which Eun-gyu gave her a last chance. The movie ends with him remembering everything and begging Jun-won not to leave him again in which she promises she never will, and with the credits showing how all of their lives improved when it all ended.
- Cha Ye Ryeon as Jung Won
- Jang Geun Suk as Eun Gyu
- Jung Eui-chul as Hee Won
- Im Joo Hwan as Jung Won's brother
- Han Soo Yun
- Lee Eon Jeong
- Park Min Ji
- Kim Hye Ok
Track Number | Title | English Title | Performed by |
01 | Intro | ||
02 | (Hangul: 도레미파솔라시도) Doremifasolasido (Movie Version) | Doremifasolasido (Movie Version) | Jeong Jun Il |
03 | (Hangul: 기다리는 시간) | Time Of Waiting | Jeong Jun Il |
04 | (Hangul: 햇살 가득히) | Full Sunlight | Jeong Jun Il |
05 | (Hangul: 용가리) Yonggari | Heap Song | Jeong Jun Il |
06 | (Hangul: 희원과 정원) | Desire And Attain | |
07. | (Hangul: 사랑해서... 미안해Ⅰ) Saranghae seo ...mianhae I | sorry...for loving you I | |
08 | (Hangul: 희원의 갈등 그리고...) | Desire's Conflicts And... | |
09 | (Hangul: 기다리는 시간) (Piano Version) | The Time Of Waiting (Piano Version) | |
10 | (Hangul: 사랑해서... 미안해Ⅱ) Saranghae seo ...mianhae II | To Love ... Sorry II | |
11 | Episode 1 | Episode 1 | ROTS(Hwang Ho Jin) |
12 | (Hangul: 도레미파솔라시도) Doremifasolasido(Original Version) | Doremifasolasido (Original Version) |
Thursday, April 7, 2011
smile :)
it's hard to know it..
that u rejected me.. but i wont cry . i wont give up too.
goodluck on finding best girl for you . i'll always support you n help you if u need some help.
i'll back off when you finally find a best girl for you.
be happy . don't think like i mad with you. i wont mad at you.
i'll always smile for you. so don't worry about me.. :)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Christmas Poem
Snow Poem
When the white snow falls
as if the sky was floating gently to the ground
The cool air around me
at winter time
blows the snow around in various circles
And the white ground looks as if painted
everywhere around
covered all about
The children
having snowball fights
in the mist of nature's masterpiece
Enjoying themselves
on nature's wonderful time of year
And some inside
on an open fire
roasting marshmellows
'til they're brown and crisp
And others still
inside their homes
decorating trees with shiny ornaments
making nature's masterpiece
even better than it was
as if the sky was floating gently to the ground
The cool air around me
at winter time
blows the snow around in various circles
And the white ground looks as if painted
everywhere around
covered all about
The children
having snowball fights
in the mist of nature's masterpiece
Enjoying themselves
on nature's wonderful time of year
And some inside
on an open fire
roasting marshmellows
'til they're brown and crisp
And others still
inside their homes
decorating trees with shiny ornaments
making nature's masterpiece
even better than it was
-by Alexander
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Sejarah April Mop (April Fools Day)

April Mop, dikenal dengan April Fools' Day dalam bahasa Inggris, diperingati setiap tanggal 1 April setiap tahun. Pada hari ini, orang dianggap boleh berbohong atau memberi lelucon kepada orang lain tanpa dianggap bersalah. Hari ini ditandai dengan tipu-menipu dan lelucon lainnya terhadap teman dan tetangga, dengan tujuan mempermalukan mereka-mereka yang mudah ditipu. Di beberapa negara, lelucon hanya boleh dilakukan sebelum siang hari. Hari ini juga banyak diperingati di internet.
Jika anda dengar teriakan ini pada tanggal 1 April, berarti ada satu orang lagi tertipu! Pada hari ini orang percaya bahwa sah-sah saja membohongi orang lain. Misalnya menelpon orang untuk datang kerja padahal itu hari liburnya atau menukar isi tempat gula dengan garam atau memajukan jam seseorang sehingga ia hadir di suatu acara lebih awal dan masih banyak lelucon klasik lainnya.
Media massa juga sering ikut memainkan lelucon pada hari yang oleh beberapa kalangan dianggap wajib untuk berbohong. Menurut, Lelucon sukses berhasil disebarkan sebuah stasiun radio di Canada, yang menyiarkan bahwa the Royal Canadian Mint, mencetak koin dua dolaran yang terbuat dari emas murni. Hebohlah pendengar mencarinya dalam kumpulan receh mereka. Sampai tangan pegel juga ngga bakal ketemu.

Hari April Fools diduga mulai diperingati pada abad ke 16 di Perancis,. Menurut keterangan pada website USIS dulu awal tahun baru itu jatuh pada tgl 1 April. Cara merayakannya mirip dengan sekarang, dengan pesta, dansa dansi hingga pagi. Kemudian th 1562, Paus Gregory memperkenalkan kalender baru yang tahunnya diawali bulan Januari. Tetapi ada beberapa kalangan yang belum dengar atau tidak percaya adanya perubahan ini. Jadi mereka terus memperingati tahun baru pada tanggal 1 April. Orang2 inilah yang disebut April Fools atau secara harafiah berarti orang2 yang tertipu di bulan April.
Teori lain yang dimuat The Washington Post mengatakan tradisi ini dimulai pada jaman Romawi kuno, saat orang merayakan festival Ceres awal April. Ceres adalah dewi panen yang putrinya diculik Pluto, dewa dunia gaib. Ceres diceritakan mengikuti gema suara teriakan anaknya, hal yang mustahil, sebab gema sangat sulit dicari sumber asalnya. Sehingga Ceres dikatakan melaksanakan “a fools errand” atau tugas orang bodoh.
Kebiasaan membohongi teman dan anggota keluarga ini, diduga menyebar dari Perancis, ke Inggris dan Skotlandia, lalu ke Amerika waktu terjadi emigrasi orang Eropa ke sana.
Di Perancis ,disebut Poisson d’avril atau ikan April. Mereka percaya ikan kecil itu gampang tertangkap atau tertipu.Di Skotlandia istilahnya April gowk, yang berarti burung tekukur yang disana melambangkan kepolosan. Di sana, April Fools Day malah diperingati selama dua hari. Hari kedua khusus untuk meledek anggota badan dan disebut Taily Day. Oke2 aja kalau anda menempel tulisan “Kick Me” pada bokong teman anda.
Lain lagi di Inggris, kalau anda tertipu and disebut April noddie. Di Indonesia sendiri populer dengan nama April Mop. Dalam bahasa Belanda mop berarti kelakar.
Ada sebuah kesimpulan mengenai hari penuh lelucon ini, mengutip penulis terkenal Mark Twain :The first day of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.
Sekarang tinggal pilih anda mau jadi orang yang ngibulin atau dikibulin?
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Benda-Benda Langir yang Menakjubkan
Benda-benda langit paling Menakjubkan di luar angkasa
Semesta terdiri atas benda-benda langit. Di antara benda langit tersebut, terdapat beberapa yang termasuk terbesar dalam ukurannya. Berikut merupakan benda langit terbesar sesuai kategorinya.
Planet Terbesar

Jupiter merupakan planet terbesar di tata surya. Tapi, planet terbesar di semesta adalah TrES-4b yang ditemukan pada tahun 2006, mengorbit bintang yang berjarak 1500 tahun cahaya dari Bumi. Diameter planet ini 1,8 lebih besar dari Jupiter.
Planet terbesar itu masih dalam perdebatan menyusul hasil observasi terbaru EASP-17b. Planet ekstrasurya yang terletak 1000 tahun cahaya dari Bumi dan memiliki massa setengah Jupiter itu dikatakan mempunyai diameter 2 kali Jupiter.
Artefak terbesar

Sejauh ini artefak terbesar di semesta adalan International Space Station yang memiliki lebar 190 meter dan berat 370 ton. Dalam hal ini artefak adalah benda langit buatan manusia.
Galaksi terbesar

Berdasarkan model standar pembentukan galaksi, galaksi terbesar adalah monster eliptikal yang terbentuk dari penggabungan galaksi yang lebih kecil. Contoh galaksi terbesarnya adalah IC 1101 yang berbentuk lensa. Galaksi ini terletak milyaran tahun dari Bumi, di tengah kluster galaksi Albell 2029. Diameter galaksi ini mencapai 6 juta tahun cahaya, membuatnya memiliki volume ribuan kali dari Bima Sakti.
Lubang terbesar
Yang dimaksud bukan lubang hitam, tapi merupakan hamparan kegelapan. Galaksi tersusun dalam sebuah tembok besar berukuran beberapa ratusan tahun cahaya dengan sebuah ruang kosong di antaranya. Ruang kosong terbesar ditemukan pada tahun 2007 berukuran hampir satu miliar cahaya.
Bintang terbesar
Jupiter merupakan planet terbesar di tata surya. Tapi, planet terbesar di semesta adalah TrES-4b yang ditemukan pada tahun 2006, mengorbit bintang yang berjarak 1500 tahun cahaya dari Bumi. Diameter planet ini 1,8 lebih besar dari Jupiter.
Planet terbesar itu masih dalam perdebatan menyusul hasil observasi terbaru EASP-17b. Planet ekstrasurya yang terletak 1000 tahun cahaya dari Bumi dan memiliki massa setengah Jupiter itu dikatakan mempunyai diameter 2 kali Jupiter.
Artefak terbesar

Sejauh ini artefak terbesar di semesta adalan International Space Station yang memiliki lebar 190 meter dan berat 370 ton. Dalam hal ini artefak adalah benda langit buatan manusia.
Galaksi terbesar

Berdasarkan model standar pembentukan galaksi, galaksi terbesar adalah monster eliptikal yang terbentuk dari penggabungan galaksi yang lebih kecil. Contoh galaksi terbesarnya adalah IC 1101 yang berbentuk lensa. Galaksi ini terletak milyaran tahun dari Bumi, di tengah kluster galaksi Albell 2029. Diameter galaksi ini mencapai 6 juta tahun cahaya, membuatnya memiliki volume ribuan kali dari Bima Sakti.
Lubang terbesar
Yang dimaksud bukan lubang hitam, tapi merupakan hamparan kegelapan. Galaksi tersusun dalam sebuah tembok besar berukuran beberapa ratusan tahun cahaya dengan sebuah ruang kosong di antaranya. Ruang kosong terbesar ditemukan pada tahun 2007 berukuran hampir satu miliar cahaya.

Bintang terbesar adalah VY Canis Majoris, terletak 5000 tahun cahaya dari Bumi. Diameternya diperkirakan mencapai 3 miliar kilometer. Perkiraan tersebut sedang diklarifikasi lagi sebab beberapa astronom memperkirakan bahwa diameternya hanya 1 miliar kilometer.
via :
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Big Bang
Big Bang (Korean: 빅뱅), commonly stylized as BIGBANG, is a South Korean boy band. The group's formation was chronicled on the television series Big Bang Documentary, from July to August 2006. The show was also aired online on GomTV and on MTV Korea.Initially a six-member group, one member got eliminated during the airing of the show before the official debut leading to their current line-up.
Signed to YG Entertainment, Big Bang released several successful singles and EPs. Their first release, the EP Always (2007), spawned the number-one single "Lies" (Korean:거짓말; Revised Romanization: Geojitmal). The follow-up EPs Hot Issue and Stand Upwere similarly successful.After they received the "Artist of the Year" award from KM Music Festival and the Seoul Gayo Daesang Award, the group expanded their activities into Japan, releasing mini-albums and airplay singles. Their materials would not receive major promotion until the following year with the release of their first physical Japanese single, "My Heaven".
By the end of 2009, Big Bang became the most searched artist in South Korea.They also became the first foreign group in Japan to receive the Japan Cable Broadcasting Award for "Best Newcomer", and the first from Korea to receive the Japan Records award.In recent years, the members have branched out to do solo activities: Taeyang and G-Dragon have released solo materials while T.O.P, Daesung and Seungri have started acting.
2005–2006: Formation and early works
Before the group's debut, several members already had exposure in the entertainment industry. Leader G-Dragon, and lead vocalist Taeyang were signed with YG Entertainment since they were both twelve years old (thirteen years old Korean Age) , were known as GD and YB.T.O.P was an underground rapper under the stage name Tempo. Big Bang made their debut on August 19, 2006 at the Gymnastics Arena in Seoul Olympic Park during the YG Family concert.
Following the performance, the group's first single, "Bigbang", was released. It contained the songs "We Belong Together," featuring labelmate Park Bom; "A Fool's Only Tears" (Korean: 눈물뿐인 바보; Revised Romanization: Nunmulppunin Babo); and "This Love", an adaptation of the American rock band Maroon 5 song, rewritten and performed by G Dragon. The single went on to sell nearly 40,000 copies. The second single, "BigBang Is V.I.P", was released in September, eventually topping 32,000 copies sold. The last single, "Bigbang 03", followed, with final sales nearing 40,000 copies. At the end of December 2006, Big Bang held their first concert, The Real. The following month, their debut album, Since 2007, was released, selling 48,009 copies by the end of February 2007.
2007–2008: Breakthrough success
On February 8, 2007, Big Bang released their live concert album, The First / Real Live Concert, which sold 30,000 copies by the end of the year. The group also began their Want You tour, visiting five cities: Incheon, Daegu, Changwon, Jeonju and Busan. Their first mini-album, Always, was also released in 2007, and marked several changes for the group. Though previously already writing and composing, the group has decided to take more control over their music. G-Dragon composed and wrote most of the tracks included in their first mini album release including the title single, "Lies" (Korean: 거짓말; Revised Romanization: Geojitmal). The mini-album also saw the introduction of electronic music for Big Bang. Receptions were fairly positive, most notably in regards to the song "Lies", which critics described as "through the roof". Released as the lead single, it became their first #1 hit; the album itself sold 300,000 copies. Their second mini album, Hot Issue, released that same year, followed its predecessor's success: the lead-single, "Last Farewell", (Korean: 마지막 인사; Revised Romanization: Majimak Insa) topped various charts, including the Juke-On's chart for eight consecutive weeks. It also won the "Song of the Month Digital Music Award" from Cyworld. Tickets for their Big Bang Is Great concert were also reportedly sold out in 10 minutes
Near the end of 2007, it was reported that members of the band were hospitalized from over-performing and exhaustion, halting their promotional activities. Reports were later released that Big Bang's albums and singles were in high demand, causing the record company to reprint and repackage them for re-release. Riding on the success of their mini-album, the group collected numerous awards towards the end of the year, including "Best Male Group" and "Song Of The Year" from the 2007 M.NET/KM Music Festival. They later received the "Artist of the Year" award from the 17th Seoul Music Awards. The group earned a total of ₩12 billion (USD$10.6 million) at the end of the year.
As 2007 came to a close, Big Bang ventured overseas to Japan. Their first JapaneseEP, For the World, released in early 2008, charted at #10 on the Oricon chart with little promotion. The group also held a concert at the JCB Hall in Tokyo Dome City. Big Bang returned to Korea after promotions in Japan ended. Although group activities were delayed due to solo projects, their third mini-album of 2008, Stand Up, was released. Featuring Daishi Dance and the Korean rock-band No Brain, Stand Up exceeded the 100,000 mark in sales. "Day By Day" (Korean: 하루하루; Revised Romanization: Haru Haru), the lead single, topped several online charts and held the #1 position for six consecutive weeks.Following the lead single's success, other songs also charted within the Top 20, with "Heaven" reaching #2, "Oh My Friend" hitting #9, "A Good Man" at #12, and "Lady" peaking at #16 — a total of five songs in the Top 20 for the group.
During the release of their Korean materials, Big Bang released the Japanese song, "Number 1", from their album of the same name, performing the song on Japanese radio programs and TV shows; the album peaked at number-three on the Japan's Oricon daily album chart. Their Korean follow-up album, Remember, also released in 2008, yielded the #1 single, "Sunset Glow" (Korean: 붉은노을; Revised Romanization: Byulkeun Noeul). "Strong Baby", performed solely by Seungri, was released as the second single. The album went on to sell over 200,000 copies. Big Bang received their second "Artist of the Year" award from the 2008 M.NET KM Music Festival award ceremony. At the end of 2008, it was reported that Big Bang earned a total of ₩36 billion (USD$24.5 million).
2009–present: Solo activities and comeback
With the group on break in early 2009, the members pursued solo activities. They later reunited to collaborate with their label's new girl group 2NE1, who had been dubbed "The Female Big Bang", for the song "Lollipop". A music video was also filmed for promotion. Initially used to promote a cell phone, "Lollipop" reached the #1 spot on various online charts. Their first self-titled full-length Japanese album was released under Universal Music in August 2009 and was promoted with two singles: "My Heaven" and "Gara Gara Go!!" (ガラガラ GO!!?). "My Heaven", a Japanese translation of their Korean single, "Heaven", (Korean: 천국; Revised Romanization: Cheonguk) from Stand Up, was composed by Japanese composer Daishi Dance, and debuted at #3 on the Oricon Chart. "Gara Gara Go!" charted at #5. The album itself peaked at #3. After their return to Korea, the members went back to their solo activities. On August 18, G-Dragon released his debut album, Heartbreaker, promoting it with the album's title track. Taeyang released two digital singles, "Where U At?" and "Wedding Dress", to promote his second album released in 2010. T.O.P joined the cast of the Korean thriller drama Iris, playing the assassin Vick. They later reunited to record the song "Koe o Kikasete" (声をきかせて Let Me Hear Your Voice) for the Japanese drama Ohitorisama ( おひとりさま One Person).The song was later released as a single, peaking at #4.
For several days in January 2010, Big Bang performed their 2010 Big Bang Concert Big Show in the Seoul Olympic Stadium. The following month, they embarked on their Electric Love tour in Japan. Although no official albums were recorded, 2010 saw the release of several singles for the group with promotional ties. The release of "Lollipop Part 2" in February, the follow-up to their single, "Lollipop", with 2NE1, was used to coincide with promotions for LG Cyon's Lollipop phone. and also reached number one on digital charts. Their next single, "Tell Me Goodbye" was recorded for the Japanese re-release of Korean drama Iris. The song proved to be popular gaining favorable reviews, winning the Best Song Award at the 52nd Japan Record Awards. Additionally, tying in with the 2010 World Cup, the group released the song "Shout of the Reds" featuring the Korean rock band, Transfixion and ice skater Kim Yu-na.
For most of the year, the members individually promoted their own solo works and solo activities, including the release of the GD & T.O.P. unit with their collaboration and the release of Seungri's first mini album titled "VVIP."Big Bang also won several notable awards, including the Best 5 New Artists award from the 24th Japan Gold Disc Award as well as the Best New Artist. Near the end of May, the group received the awards for 'Best Pop Video' and 'Best New Artist" from the MTV Video Music Awards Japan 2010. They released their latest Japanese single "Beautiful Hangover" on August 25, 2010.
After nearly two year hiatus as a full group, Big Bang returned to South Korea with their 2011 Big Show concert. They also showcased songs from their latest EP Tonight, which went on to become a chart-topper upon its release on many Korean music chart. The album also became the first K-pop album to reach the top 10 on US iTunes chart and is the only non-English language album in the top 100. The album had a pre-sale order of 10,000 copies in Cyworld, beating the record set by TVXQ's 6,500 copies back in 2008. Overall reception for the EP has been positive, with Choi Jun of Asiae complimenting the group's new direction in their music, acknowledging that during the two years hiatus, the group's "style and musical sensibility [had] deepened." Seven days after the album's release, it was reported that Big Bang had already earn ₩7 billion (USD$6.2 million). In a week, 100,000 album copies were sold. Its lead-single of the name became a chart-topper on the Gaon Chart.
noteeeeeee ~
u can request any songs hereeeeee
i like kpop so i choose kpop songs here >< .
u can tell me anything here .
just have fun :3
i like kpop so i choose kpop songs here >< .
u can tell me anything here .
just have fun :3
Thursday, March 24, 2011
IU - The Story Only I Didn't Know ( lyrics )
jeongmal neon da ijeotdeora
bangabge nal boneun neoui eolgul boni
geujeya eoryeompusi apaodeora
sae sal chaoreuji mothan sangcheoga
bangabge nal boneun neoui eolgul boni
geujeya eoryeompusi apaodeora
sae sal chaoreuji mothan sangcheoga
nunmureun heureujil anhadeora
ibyeorira haneun ge daedanchido mothaeseo
ireohge bojalgeoteobseoseo
ibyeorira haneun ge daedanchido mothaeseo
ireohge bojalgeoteobseoseo
joheun ibyeoriran geo, gyeolgug sesangen eobtneun iriran geol
aratdamyeon geuddae charari da ureodulgeol
geuddae imi naraneun geon negen kkeutieotdaneun geon
naman mollasseotdeon iyagi
aratdamyeon geuddae charari da ureodulgeol
geuddae imi naraneun geon negen kkeutieotdaneun geon
naman mollasseotdeon iyagi
sarangeun anieotdeora
nae gyeote meomuldeon siganieosseul ppun
ijeya eoryempusi argeotman gata
wae neon mianhaesseoyaman haetneunji
nae gyeote meomuldeon siganieosseul ppun
ijeya eoryempusi argeotman gata
wae neon mianhaesseoyaman haetneunji
naega neomu deuldeosseotna bwa
ddeonaneun sunganmajeo gidaereul haesseotdani
eolmana useuwotdeon geoni
ddeonaneun sunganmajeo gidaereul haesseotdani
eolmana useuwotdeon geoni
joheun ibyeoriran geo, gyeolgug sesangen eobsneun iriran geol
aratdamyeon geuddae charari da ureodulgeol
geuddae imi naraneun geon negen kkeutieotdaneun geon
naman mollasseodeon iyagi
aratdamyeon geuddae charari da ureodulgeol
geuddae imi naraneun geon negen kkeutieotdaneun geon
naman mollasseodeon iyagi
정말 넌 다 잊었더라
반갑게 날 보는 너의 얼굴 보니
그제야 어렴풋이 아파오더라
새 살 차오르지 못한 상처가
반갑게 날 보는 너의 얼굴 보니
그제야 어렴풋이 아파오더라
새 살 차오르지 못한 상처가
눈물은 흐르질 않더라
이별이라 하는 게 대단치도 못해서
이렇게 보잘것없어서
이별이라 하는 게 대단치도 못해서
이렇게 보잘것없어서
좋은 이별이란 거, 결국 세상엔 없는 일이란 걸
알았다면 그때 차라리 다 울어둘걸
그때 이미 나라는 건 네겐 끝이었다는 건
나만 몰랐었던 이야기
알았다면 그때 차라리 다 울어둘걸
그때 이미 나라는 건 네겐 끝이었다는 건
나만 몰랐었던 이야기
사랑은 아니었더라
내 곁에 머물던 시간이었을 뿐
이제야 어렴풋이 알 것만 같아
왜 넌 미안했어야만 했는지
내 곁에 머물던 시간이었을 뿐
이제야 어렴풋이 알 것만 같아
왜 넌 미안했어야만 했는지
내가 너무 들떴었나 봐
떠나는 순간마저 기대를 했었다니
얼마나 우스웠던 거니
떠나는 순간마저 기대를 했었다니
얼마나 우스웠던 거니
좋은 이별이란 거, 결국 세상엔 없는 일이란 걸
알았다면 그때 차라리 다 울어둘걸
그때 이미 나라는 건 네겐 끝이었다는 건
나만 몰랐었던 이야기
알았다면 그때 차라리 다 울어둘걸
그때 이미 나라는 건 네겐 끝이었다는 건
나만 몰랐었던 이야기
You really did forget everything
Seeing how happily you’re greeting me
Only then did I vaguely begin to feel the pain
The wound that had yet to appear on my skin
Seeing how happily you’re greeting me
Only then did I vaguely begin to feel the pain
The wound that had yet to appear on my skin
The tears would not come
Since this farewell didn’t seem significant
Since it felt so inconsequential
Since this farewell didn’t seem significant
Since it felt so inconsequential
A pleasant goodbye ultimately there can be no such thing
If I had known, I would have cried it all out then
At that time, that I was already a part of your ending
Was a story only I didn’t know
If I had known, I would have cried it all out then
At that time, that I was already a part of your ending
Was a story only I didn’t know
So it wasn’t love
It was just a moment which you spent by my side
Now I’m vaguely beginning to understand
Why you could only apologize
It was just a moment which you spent by my side
Now I’m vaguely beginning to understand
Why you could only apologize
I must have been too excited
The very moment you left me, I was expecting you again
How foolish was I?
The very moment you left me, I was expecting you again
How foolish was I?
A pleasant goodbye ultimately there can be no such thing
If I had known, I would have cried it all out then
At that time, that I was already a part of your ending
Was a story only I didn’t know
If I had known, I would have cried it all out then
At that time, that I was already a part of your ending
Was a story only I didn’t know
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Jenni & Juno
Jenny, Juno is a 2005 South Korean romantic film written and directed by Kim Ho-joon.
The plot centers around the relationship of a 15-year-old couple, Jenny (Park Man-Ji) and Juno (Kim Hye-sung), who meet in school. When Jenny discovers that she is pregnant, she and Juno decide against having an abortion, opting for parenthood instead. They try to conceal the pregnancy from their families for as long as possible, but the truth is revealed eventually, and their parents do not approve.
The film's subject matter provoked intense discussion in the media upon its release in South Korea. Although there is no sex scene between the protagonists, the film was initially given arating of 18+, but this was lowered to 15+ upon appeal. Critics expressed concerns that the film's presentation of teenage pregnancy was unrealistic, in that Jenny is from a well-to-do, secure family that is able to support her decision, and that this might send the wrong message to less fortunate teens. Kim Ho-joon, the film's director, responded to this criticism by stating:
Jenny and Juno are certainly wayward children who should have never done a thing they did for their age. But it was an accident that they made the mistake and their love is in a way innocent. What should be really criticized is not the couple but adults who only say 'no.' This film shows how they make a mistake but how we should take responsibility
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